Sunday, January 31, 2016

Random fun pics - Catch up from Oct 2015

November starts with Dahlia and good visits!

Bringing the Tucker, Halle, and Finn home on the train!

Always fun when these three are at Grandma's!

Ready for the Primary Program 2015

Christmas - just the 2 of us!

Jan 1st and snow and Claytin and Alec to visit, such a treat!

Claytin's Water Birthday Party!

Andrew came to visit for the weekend!
We love having Andrew!
He created some laser puzzles to share with his Sister!

August came with Dad to pick Andrew up.
Trip to see Dallin in "Oliver"
A great visit!
Dallin was a great 'Artful Dodger'

Oh the fun times we have in our family!


Monday, November 9, 2015

Iowa Fun with The Burrell Bunch!

Started my first night in Iowa with a concert.
Jacob played his violin.
It was great music!
Way cold here in Iowa - Our first walk to school was super chilly!
Enoch's Baptism was wonderful!  He was excited to be Baptized.

After the baptism Reddeck had a Cub Pack Meeting and He got his Arrow of Light Award!

Lasered Arrow of Light plaque
New Scriptures!


Enoch's Birthday Party

In Orange where the windmills are!

Trick or Treat - There were hundreds of kids and they go out early while it's light and lots of folks sit on their porch and give out the treats.  Many of the adults dress up too!

Brotherly Fun!
Lunch with Reddeck
Lunch with Enoch - the younger group lunch time was policed by a gal that would not let them talk hardly at all.  It was strange. 

Dinner with the Sister Missionaries -  What fun gals.
Our walk in the Forest - by the Elementary School.
Last morning before my flight home.
What wonderful Grandsons!
Loved being with all the family!