Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Year

From Dec 1st I've been sleep med free!! Hooray!
Don't sleep alot but I'm supposed to have about a year of withdrawl from the meds I've been on.  I do have a thing or two to say to my Doctor!

I'm into Essential Oils - Love them! 
I started with doTERRA in November!!

The Elders Quorum President in our ward has worked with me to come up with Emergency Prep Items and asked me if I was interested in learning about essential oils.  Probably the only reason I said 'Yes' is that I don't see him as someone who would go for strange and way out kinds of things (he's one of the most down to earth, common sense kind of guys, I know) so I was curious.  The day I went to my first oils class to learn about them,  Michelle (His wife) offered me a couple of her oils to try.  I wasn't going to buy anything unless I thought they did me some good.  When I went home that day I had a headache.  She had offered me lavender to try for sleep issues.  I looked it up and lavender was one that is used for headaches so I put some on my neck.  A couple minutes (yes minutes) later I realized my headache was gone!! I couldn't believe it.  I use lavender and peppermint the first sign of a stress headache/neck ache and I haven't used one pain med since then. (Nov)   Also for a while I was waking up with a headache and thought it was sinuses - I started putting 'Breathe' on my nose before I went to bed for a couple of nights, and the morning sinus headache never returned!)
I was sold!     Now I use lots of them and love them! (Tell you the truth, I still hardly believe it myself.)

My favorites - plus uses (there are lots more uses)
     (ways I have used - me)   (used - for Scott)
Lavender - stress, headache, neck pain, sedative, antiseptic, acne, itching, back pain, nausea, sunburn...

Peppermint uplift, pain relief, stomach issues, congestion, fever, enhance other oils, morning sickness, motion sickness, asthma...

Rosemary - cramps, sinus headache, wounds, sedative...

Frankincense facial moisture, general health, anti aging, allergies, healing

On Guard (Blend) - immune system support, restore health, flu, colds, food poisoning, sore throat, cankers...
     [Blend - Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary]

Deep Blue (Blend) - aches, strains, pain, Bruises, Joint pain, soothe inflammation, foot pain...
     [Blend - Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, Blue Camomile, Helichrysm, Osmanthus]

Breathe (Blend) - nasal congestion, allergies, asthma, cough, flu, migraine...
     [Blend - Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Ravensara]

Cinnamon - added to drinking water immune boost, anti bacterial, anti depressant

Grapefruit - diet aid, anti oxidant, cellulite, edema, gallstones, stress

Lemongrass - sleep aid, acne, fatigue, muscle stiffness...

DigestZen - digestive system ailments, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach ache, IBS...
     [Blend - Ginger, peppermint, Tarragon, Fennel, Caraway, Coriander, Anise]

Melaleuca - anti infectious, cold and flu relief, immune system support, acne... 

Wintergreen - mood elevation, pain relief (bone, muscle, neck, joint...), inflammation

Think about it - Emergency Situation or everyday - if you have these, you can do something for your family with out a Doctor!

Check them out here!
What would you like to try? 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Claytin's stay Dec 2010

Geo Trax fun
No, not that Grandma -
trying to find something he'd eat!
Fun in the snow
He loved running and slipping!