Thursday, June 7, 2012

May/June Events

Dahlia and Claytin spent a day with me and we had lots of fun!

 I spent a week at Wendy's.

Jessica just back from a dirty dash!

We did lots of BED (Body Ecology Diet) recipes!
Wendy is going on the diet and determined to eat healthy!

And TODAY - Dad and I went on a Horse back ride that Sheldon and Elaine gave us for a gift!
Dad's horse was named 'Panda' and mine was 'Ned'!  Really good horses!
We enjoyed the ride!!

Our next Big event -- We head to California at the end of June to visit
Kalon, Mariah, Andrew and Sammy!
We can hardly wait!!

And on July 7th we celebrate 1 year on our BED diet - Wow I can hardly believe we have been doing this that long!   Pat on the back!