Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Momma's at girls camp -- Daddy's on a trip -- and Grandma's having fun with the kiddos!

Tucker likes the Tetrus game

Train tracks from the bedroom
 out into the hall...
Swinging it up
Chalk fun
Where did Tucker go?
There he is.. 
Sprinkler run but it's a little cold.
So swinging was warmer? :)
At the Park that Kalon and Sheldon built for Kalon's Eagle.
Little dare devil
All around the outside edges...
That cast doesn't slow her down!
The house Tucker built...
Caterpillar clips.
Halle a little under the weather but still a smile!
Pool Noodle fun
Finn liked to gather and carry as many as he could.
Tucker liked to get Grandma!
Our Marble run!

Oh what a Good time!