Thursday, December 22, 2011

December Excitment

Reason for the Season -

  Dad making us breakfast on his birthday!

 Heading to work on party foods for Dad's side party.

Pictures from the Mills side party --

 My cubs at a service Pack meeting - this was after we delivered treats to the widows in the ward.

My visit to LeAnna's - one of her tables in Christmas display...

 I'm with a couple of my Young Women friends at a reception for a son's wedding - we still get together                             Cheri - me - Julie

My side Christmas party couple pictures...  
Brothers - Ron and Clyde
Sister - LeAnna

Baylors hand made pop up card! Wonderful detail...

What a Great Month so far!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oct/Nov Happenings....

 Thanksgiving gathering - we had fun!

Movie trip to Farmington for the Muppets!

 Back yard fun.

 Candle making
 Late night games

We loved being with loved ones for Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Kalon's October visit!

Kalon was up and we enjoyed his visit!

Kalon we love you!
We look forward to seeing the whole family for Thanksgiving!