Thursday, December 22, 2011

December Excitment

Reason for the Season -

  Dad making us breakfast on his birthday!

 Heading to work on party foods for Dad's side party.

Pictures from the Mills side party --

 My cubs at a service Pack meeting - this was after we delivered treats to the widows in the ward.

My visit to LeAnna's - one of her tables in Christmas display...

 I'm with a couple of my Young Women friends at a reception for a son's wedding - we still get together                             Cheri - me - Julie

My side Christmas party couple pictures...  
Brothers - Ron and Clyde
Sister - LeAnna

Baylors hand made pop up card! Wonderful detail...

What a Great Month so far!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed looking at the pictures. Andrew says, "Hearts." Sammy says, "Merry Christmas."
