Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Christmas morning...

 Party at Ron's
 My Brothers!
 Bounce time...
 Geo Train - FUN!
 Cuban dinner cooks, Christmas Eve!  Great meal!

We have Clay while Dahlia and Brendan are honeymooning!
He misses his Mom
(He goes around the house calling, "Hey Babe!")
 but we are having fun too. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010


The guys hangin out!

I thought I had more pictures - looking for the camera - well what do you know, it's still in Salt Lake at Tony and Sherry's.   Gathered everything else and the camera got left behind at the Mills side family party.  I'll post more when we can get it.   (Tried to post a video of Claytin - not working - rats!)

Sunday - I subbed in RS. First time I've taught in a long time. Neat lesson on the Sacrament.  Dad helped me get a copy of Elder Eyring's Christmas Devotional talk on the computer so I could share a segment from it... Worked out neat!   Remember when we had pictures of Christ, and those cards I made for you kids to look at during the Sacrament??   If they hold a good memory share with me... 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Blog

From our California trip to see Kalon, Mariah, Andrew and Samantha :-D

Dec 11th - Spent the day Christmas shopping and then wrapping gifts for our kids socks I'm creating.  Grandma Mauch used to give us a big sock with lots of gifts in that we would open on Christmas Eve.  As a family we enjoyed it.  I thought I'd do something similar only on a slightly smaller scale.  Bought the socks years ago and this is the first time I've thought about them soon enough to do something with them.  Hope the kids enjoy!