Monday, April 4, 2011

Birthday Fun! Conference blessings!

Conference weekend - wonderful as always!

Happy Birthday Sheldon!
Great dinner with Family. April 3rd.

A couple conference thoughts --

Sometimes God cuts us down so that we can grow.

Nothing so motivating for Temple going than a story that talks about someone who had to save for years then take a journey of more than a week to get to a temple...  Even with the Ogden temple now closed for a couple of years, I still have one just as close!   Bountiful Temple - here I come!

The Sun rises even on a cloudy day!  If we seek it - inspiration comes - even if we don't realize it.

Love you my FAMILY!!


  1. Cute pictures, glad you could come! Thank you again for the delicious chocolate mousse :)

  2. We sure enjoyed our visit! XOXO
