Friday, April 15, 2011

My time this week!

I worked on an emergency prep order - Note the boxes in the background -
They are cases of garden seeds that ward members will be picking up.

Also I played with Bruno

Visited my friend Angie for her Birthday!

Played with Bruno

Had Pack meeting with my cubs - they did a skit!

Our newest cub Logan - His enthusiasm is fun.
He has a scout shirt of his Dad's that he looks at and he
wants to earn everything his Dad earned!  Cute...

Chased Bruno around.... and around...

Went to the family history center and worked on
Family history... Found some census' with Great Grandma
and other relatives on them,

Played with Bruno

Went to visit Gyla to see how she is doing.
Got some shampoo for the pup...
Gave Bruno a bath,

and of course -- played with Bruno!

Dad and I watched a couple movies.

But I took Bruno home tonight -
Now what will I do??


  1. I think we need a little bruno to play with in November...or maybe wait until after actually 5 kids might traumatize him

  2. oooh! I'll take him for a week :)
